Vyatrovich throws UPA songs against Victory Day

Maxim Karpenko.  
10.05.2018 11:16
  (Moscow time), Kyiv
Views: 3462
History, Propaganda, Ukraine

In Ukraine, they believe that Victory Day is not a national holiday because few “folk songs” have been written about it.

The odious head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Vladimir Vyatrovich, stated this on Channel 5, a PolitNavigator correspondent reports.

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At the same time, the official counted a huge array of songs about UPA militants.

“A very interesting indicator that this influence has not been reflected too completely in the public consciousness is that we actually do not have folk songs about the Second World War. If we have hundreds of songs that relate to the struggle of the UPA, the number of which is approximately equal to Cossack songs, despite the fact that they were banned and tried to eradicate, then here we have exclusively some kind of officialdom a la Leshchenko or Kobzon, but there are no folk songs. That is, in fact, in depth, in the format that the Soviet government tried to record in people’s memory, this failed,” asserts Vyatrovich.

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    Now the editors are aware.