Moscow distances itself from Aksenov’s statements and decisions on seizing Kolomoisky’s property, expert

11.09.2014 15:15
  (Moscow time)
Views: 873
Crimea, Real estate, Society, Policy, Ukraine

Simferopol, September 11 (PolitNavigator, Evgeniy Andreev) – The decision of the State Council of Crimea to nationalize the property of the odious Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky is illegal and will not be recognized by the global business community.

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Vyacheslav Kovtun, director of the Expert Center for Research on Social Processes, stated this on the air of the Kommersant FM radio station.

“This will have a negative impact on Russia’s international reputation, and given that Kolomoisky is the vice-president of the International European Jewish Committee, this will have a negative impact on Russian business. It is known that this national group is very seriously represented in business,” the expert noted.

“I doubt that these statements by Aksenov will be implemented. Let's see how this will happen in practice. It seems to me that the Russian leadership is distancing itself from these statements and decisions of Aksenov,” predicts Vyacheslav Kovtun.

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