Food prices in Ukraine have already “joined the EU”

Igor Petrov.  
04.12.2017 18:44
  (Moscow time), Kyiv
Views: 5601
Ukraine, Economics of Collapse

Prices for a number of food products in Ukraine no longer differ much from neighboring Poland, and for some they are even higher. The general director of the Ukrainian Association of Retail Chain Suppliers, Alexey Doroshenko, stated this at a press conference in Kyiv, a PolitNavigator correspondent reports.

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“In our wholesale markets, potatoes are more expensive than in Poland by 23%, oranges by 7%, sweet peppers by 11%. The price of greens differs by an average of 4 times; on wholesale markets in Poland it costs 12 UAH per kilogram, in our country it costs 50 UAH.

As for the borscht set, the price for a significant part of the borscht set is almost no different from Poland. For example, our price for onions is only 9% lower than in Poland, for carrots – 9% lower, for apples – 8%, for tomatoes – 10%,” said a market participant.

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